Most of our collections will only ever travel between 2-3 countries before reaching the end consumer. Our raw materials are sourced from Spain, Italy and Portugal and each collection is handmade in England within a 60 mile radius of our workshop.
By avoiding an intensive supply chain and choosing local production, we are able to minimise transportation and reduce our carbon footprint.

In 2013 we launched our ‘Made By Label’ to let our customers know where and who made their clothes. It’s important for us to show that our collections are not mass produced, but instead, individually handmade by artisans in England. The Made By Label celebrates our specialist craftspeople and the history behind them. To find out who made your Gushlow & Cole piece, just look in the label.
We have been on a mission to find out exactly where our shearling comes from. Although most tanneries we use source their raw materials from regions within their own countries technology at the moment doesn’t allow us to trace back to the exact farm. This is why we are increasingly buying from suppliers who belong to the Working Leather Group who demand increased visibility around origin/traceability through audit and protocol.